Preventative Health & Safety
Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United StatesFor further information contact Children's Resource and Referral agency at (805) 925-7071
The Community Calendars Project is the result of a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Barbara County, the Child Care Planning Council of Santa Barbara County and various other early care and education partners who are committed to creating a “one-stop shop” for professional development activities that support the local early care workforce.
This calendar includes training, conferences, workshops, learning communities, events, and networking opportunities open to the early care and education community.
Calendar submissions should be submitted using the Event Submission Form and sent to:
Please read submission guidelines by clicking Calendar Posting Guidelines.
For further information contact Children's Resource and Referral agency at (805) 925-7071
We will review how curriculum and environment tools can help you organize your environment to promote learning and safety. What are the different areas a provider can have in his/hers...
QCC Welcome to the New Fiscal Year 2024 / QCC Bienvenido al nuevo año Fiscal 2024 Coaches will review QCC material and goals for the year. Los entrenadores revisarán el...
Join us in learning more about Trauma Informed Care, Caregiver Resiliency and ways to collaborate, this will be a one 8 hour training plus three 2 hours cafes in South...
All things CCL + Organizing / Todo sobre CCL y la organización Register/ Registrarse: Network Night Training- Health, Safety & Back to Basics / Capacitación nocturna en red: salud, seguridad...
For further Information contact Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071
Inclusion Initiative Instructors: Holly Harvan and Melynda Velasquez This training is an overview of the CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid, intended as a refresher for new teachers and special education teams. This...
A training on responsive trauma care / Una capacitación sobre atención traumatológica receptive For further Information contact Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071
Instructora de Iniciativa de Inclusión: Melynda Velasquez Esta capacitación es una visión general de la Pirámide de Enseñanza de CSEFEL, con la intención de ser un repaso, para los nuevos...
Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework Two Day Training on Saturday, September 14, 2024, and Saturday, September 21, 2024, SBCEO Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Lunch Provided! These two training sessions will...