The Community Calendars Project is the result of a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Barbara County, the Child Care Planning Council of Santa Barbara County and various other early care and education partners who are committed to creating a “one-stop shop” for professional development activities that support the local early care workforce.
This calendar includes training, conferences, workshops, learning communities, events, and networking opportunities open to the early care and education community.
Calendar submissions should be submitted using the Event Submission Form and sent to:
Please read submission guidelines by clicking Calendar Posting Guidelines.
This webinar provides an introduction to the Outdoor Classroom, why it is needed, what it is, and how it works. The webinar provides a fundamental understanding of all aspects of the Outdoor Classroom, with photo examples of children actively engaged in the environment, learning opportunities in all outdoor areas, and small changes that have transformed spaces in a big way. This workshop is ideal for both those beginning development of their Outdoor Classroom as well as those who are experienced but looking for inspiration and additional ideas. This event begins at 6:30PM and is 1.5 hours in length. Space is limited. Registration will close when we reach capacity. No refunds or credit.
Webinar Price: $35.00 per webinar