MMCI (North County)

ECE Training Calendar

The Community Calendars Project is the result of a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Barbara County, the Child Care Planning Council of Santa Barbara County and various other early care and education partners who are committed to creating a “one-stop shop” for professional development activities that support the local early care workforce.

This calendar includes training, conferences, workshops, learning communities, events, and networking opportunities open to the early care and education community.

Calendar submissions should be submitted using the Event Submission Form and sent to: 

Please read submission guidelines by clicking Calendar Posting Guidelines.

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Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

The training will focus on the overview of the ASQ-3 and the process of what follows when parents return the ASQ-3 to providers. We will discuss strategies on how to give the ASQ to parents and how to talk to parents about the score results. Participants have to register using the workforce registry, please have...

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CSPP/ CCTR Network Meeting


CSPP/ CCTR collaborative, virtual meeting for administrators. Please join us to discuss: Childcare Hot Topics Contract Management Regulations, PINs, and management bulletins Best Practices for contract holders   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 6537 8401 Passcode: 814147   CSPP/ CCTR Network Flyer

CSPP/ CCTR Network Meeting


CSPP/ CCTR collaborative, virtual meeting for administrators. Please join us to discuss: Childcare Hot Topics Contract Management Regulations, PINs, and management bulletins Best Practices for contract holders   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 6537 8401 Passcode: 814147   CSPP/ CCTR Network Flyer

Network Night “Relationships, Interactions and Guidance”

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

This training in on the importance of relationships, how to support interactions between providers and children, conversations on positive guidance and the meaning of it, discussing the meaning of behaviors and how to resolve conflicts between children with adult's support. Esta capacitación sobre la importancia de las relaciones, cómo apoyar las interacciones entre proveedores y...

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CSPP/ CCTR Network Meeting


CSPP/ CCTR collaborative, virtual meeting for administrators. Please join us to discuss: Childcare Hot Topics Contract Management Regulations, PINs, and management bulletins Best Practices for contract holders   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 854 6537 8401 Passcode: 814147   CSPP/ CCTR Network Flyer

Network Night Dual Language Learners

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

In this training our focus will be to effectively address the importance of preserving the home language. En este entrenamiento el enfoque sere efectivamente hablar del tema de perservar el lenguje natal.

Teaching Pyramid Spotlight: When to Teach, Direct/Indirect Teaching, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution


Instructors: Holly Harvan and Melynda Velasquez This date is for one session only of the Teaching Pyramid Spotlight discussing: When to Teach, Direct/Indirect Teaching, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution. To enroll in the other three sessions, find the dates below or refer to the flyer.  The SBCEO Inclusion Initiative is proud to offer four separate Teaching...

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CLASS MMCI Infant/Toddler Training

SBCEO South County Auditorium 4400 Cathedral Oaks Rd., Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) is an intensive CLASS training series of 12 two-hour sessions designed to examine the impact of quality teacher-child interactions on children’s learning. Each session focuses on one "Dimension" of the CLASS tool. Instruction is provided in a collaborative and dynamic fashion as CLASS strategies are learned and practiced....

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CLASS MMCI Infant/Toddler Training

SBCEO South County Auditorium 4400 Cathedral Oaks Rd., Santa Barbara, CA, United States

Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) is an intensive CLASS training series of 12 two-hour sessions designed to examine the impact of quality teacher-child interactions on children’s learning. Each session focuses on one "Dimension" of the CLASS tool. Instruction is provided in a collaborative and dynamic fashion as CLASS strategies are learned and practiced....

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Network Night “Culture, Diversity and Equity”

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

Developing strategies to have respect for all differences and similarities by incorporating Culture, Diversity and Equity in the classroom. A craft and literacy material will be presented to support this training. Desarrollar estrategias para respetar todas las diferencias y semejanzas incorporando Cultura, Diversidad y Equidad en el aula. Se presentará un material de artesanía y...

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