Steps to Quality Cohort Graduation

ECE Training Calendar

The Community Calendars Project is the result of a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Barbara County, the Child Care Planning Council of Santa Barbara County and various other early care and education partners who are committed to creating a “one-stop shop” for professional development activities that support the local early care workforce.

This calendar includes training, conferences, workshops, learning communities, events, and networking opportunities open to the early care and education community.

Calendar submissions should be submitted using the Event Submission Form and sent to: 

Please read submission guidelines by clicking Calendar Posting Guidelines.

Children’s Resource & Referral

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Disired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) Spanish

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

For further information contact Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071/ Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071

Preventative Health & Safety

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

For further information contact Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071/ Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071

Network Night “Culture, Diversity and Equity” Training Jan 2025 / Capacitación “Cultura, Diversidad y Equidad” de la noche de la red, Enero 2025

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

Developing strategies to have respect for all differences and similarities by incorporating Culture, Diversity and Equity in the classroom. A craft and literacy material will be presented to support this...

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Network Night “Child Development and Learning & Managing Challenging Behavior Feb 2025 / Noche de la red “El Desarrollo y Apredizaje Infantil y Manejo de conductas desafiantes” Febrero 2025

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

Providers will learn about child development and the different stages. They will learn about the importance of building Relationships with families and children and strategies to do so and also...

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Network Night “Leadership in Early Childhood Education” Feb 2025 / Noche de la Red “Liderazgo en la Educación Infantil” Febrero 2025

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

Leadership is piloted by the goals and outcomes of early childhood programs. It involves notions comparable to quality, service, staff and curriculum along with effective communication, skills and practices.  ...

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Preventative Health & Safety

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

For further information contact Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071/ Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Children's Resource and Referral (805) 925-7071

Network Night “Administration and Supervision & Most Cited CCL Deficiencies” March 2025 / Noche de la Red “Administración y Supervisión y las Deficiencias de la CCL Más Citadas” Marzo 2025

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

This competency area describes the knowledge and skills that early childhood educators are expected to have in operations and program development, fiscal management, human resources, and other aspects of administration....

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Network Night “Observation, Screening, Assessment and Documentation; Review of the ASQ Tool” April 2025 / Noche de la Red “Observación, Detección, Evaluación y Documentación; Revisión de la Herramienta ASQ” Abril 2025

Children's Resource & Referral Santa Maria Office 2861 Airpark Dr 2nd Floor, Santa Maria, CA, United States

Participants will learn how to use observation, screening, assessment, and documentation to inform planning for individual children’s learning and development in the FCC home setting with the understanding that observation...

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