The Community Calendars Project is the result of a collaborative effort of First 5 Santa Barbara County, the Child Care Planning Council of Santa Barbara County and various other early care and education partners who are committed to creating a “one-stop shop” for professional development activities that support the local early care workforce.
This calendar includes training, conferences, workshops, learning communities, events, and networking opportunities open to the early care and education community.
Calendar submissions should be submitted using the Event Submission Form and sent to:
Please read submission guidelines by clicking Calendar Posting Guidelines.
Who should attend: Any staff working in a preschool program.
Training from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast provided, 8:30 a.m. Arrive early and network!
Strengthening Families is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five protective factors:
Attendees will demonstrate a basic understanding of the Strengthening Families/Protective Factors Framework and understand their role in lessening the likelihood of child abuse and neglect and what agencies can do to support children/families. The workshop has the potential to be developed into a series of activities based on the needs of staff, and the presenter will build in to the presentation to obtain feeback from attendees as to next steps.